Monday, January 6, 2020

Essential Travel Tips for People with Pre-existing Conditions

â€Å"See the world. Its more fantastic than any dream made or paid for in factories, â€Å"quotes the famous author, Ray Bradbury, in his influential book Fahrenheit 451. However, if you are among the people who have pre-existing medical conditions, such as asthma and allergies, then you may have trepidations about travelling abroad. Although it’s only natural to fear for your safety, your condition should not stop you from pursuing your dreams of travelling the world. To help set your mind at ease and enjoy your travel abroad, read these essential travel tips for people with pre-existing medical conditions. Before Your Travel Your medical condition should not keep you from travelling abroad. All you need to know is learn and understand how your body reacts to certain food intake and environmental condition. Before your planned trip, make sure that your asthma or allergy is controlled. You also need to visit your physician and ask for advice to help you prepare a possible change of treatment that co-relate to your travel destination. Additionally, follow the schedule of your usual treatment even while you are travelling and ask your doctor for the DCI (common internal name) of the medicine that you are taking. By doing this, you will have an easier time to look for it in your travel destination, in case you need it. Furthermore, don’t forget to bring a first aid kit that contains your prescribed medicines (e.g., antihistamines, corticoids, and asthma sprays). IfShow MoreRelatedMedical Tourism in the International Market1783 Words   |  7 Pagesmedical services, patient-physician interactions, publicly financed medical care, and also the spread of healthcare consumerism (Turner, 2010). Medical tourist and managed care Uninsured in the United States In the year 2006, forty seven million people within the US didnt have health insurance coverage (Gould, 2008). 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